How to Use Promotional Items for Local Apartment Complex Marketing

In cities with booming populations, it seems like new apartment communities pop up every single day. If you’re an apartment owner, manager, or leasing consultant, this competitive climate pushes you to create new and innovative methods to attract new residents and reach maximum capacity. It is extremely important to stand out among the crowd and promote your community to as many potential new residents as possible. This article will showcase the best items that you can use to promote your community and how creating unique, custom designed products will help you consistently reach your goals.

If you’re like most people, you have at least a few t-shirts that you’ve gotten for free at a sporting event, music festival, or convention. You may not think about it, but every time you wear one of these shirts, you become an advertisement for the organization or company on the shirt. Giving out free shirts to your residents creates hundreds of walking billboards. People will wear the shirts to a variety of locations, like the gym, the park, or even the grocery store, meaning your apartment will be advertised to other qualified renters.

If your apartment community attracts a younger crowd (especially college students), giving away cups or mugs is the right move. College students tend to love getting free stuff in general, and especially love when they get something that is useful as well. Plastic cups are an inexpensive way to promote your apartment complex. Anyone who uses the cups will see your name and logo often, and might just feel inclined to check out your website when it is time to move out of their current place. If you want to get a bit fancier and avoid giving out something that might be thrown away, ceramic mugs are a step up from plastic cups. The concept is the same, but these will likely stay in peoples’ cabinets longer than a simple plastic cup.

The goal of giving away promotional items is to reach the largest amount of people possible and generate leads. While the previous items will reach a crowd of people, placing promotional materials in local businesses has the potential to attract even more potential new residents. Consider creating custom coasters and leaving them at local bars and restaurants. You can even coordinate with the business and swap coasters for coupons that you will pass out to your residents. Your community will be advertised to anyone who eats or simply orders a drink at these local eateries, and you will reach a wide range of people.

Creating unique, custom designs that fit your brand is important if you want to stand out among the competition. If graphic design isn’t one of your specialties, fear not; SquareShark specializes in a variety of services, including custom product designs, and we will work with you to create a look that fits your brand. Contact us today. Let’s talk and see how we can help you achieve your goals.


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